Veterinary Referral
Does your client's dog have behaviour problems? Refer them to Megan Richardson (Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist) based in Staffordshire.
To rule out any physiological causes for the problem behaviour, and in accordance with the Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians (FABC), CCAB Certification Ltd. and Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC) Code of Conducts, I only work on veterinary referral.
To safeguard the welfare of your patient, please examine the patient to investigate potential physiological causes for the behaviour problem/s. So long as physiological causes have been ruled out or addressed, please download either the word doc/pdf referral form below and email it to me at you can alternatively complete the electronic form here.
Why refer your clients to me?
Research has shown that many behaviour problems in animals are caused by medical factors such as pain (Mills et al. 2020). Therefore, to work professionally and in accordance with my Code of Conduct, I only work on veterinary referral.
I keep you informed - you will receive a copy of the behaviour modification plan sent to clients, and you will be provided with feedback on how the client is progressing.
I am qualified to degree level, experienced, and accredited as a 'Clinical Animal Behaviourist' (CAB) with the Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC).
I am also accredited as a Certificated Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) with CCAB Certification Ltd.
I use reward-based methods only that are backed by science. I never advocate for harsh punishment training methods.
For more information about me, click here.
For more information about my services, click here.
Please email the completed form to
How else I can support you
Being a trusted Clinical Animal Behaviourist to refer clients to isn't the only way I can be of help to you!
I can also offer you free CPD, advice, or I can point you in the right direction to other suitable sources of information. I woud also consider running puppy socialisation sessions at your practice free of charge.
Please feel free to get in touch or invite me to a meeting so we can discuss how we can work together and how I can support you.
You can also find helpful advice on my blog, and YouTube channel.
Click here for my contact information.