Q & A
What is a behaviour consultation?
A behaviour consultation lasts up to 2.5 hours at your home or remotely (e.g. over 'zoom'). During the consultation, I ask lots of questions about your dog's behaviour and background, followed by a discussion about what I think is causing the behaviour problem/s and how I think you need to manage them. If we have time, we may practise behaviour modification training.
This is accompanied by a written report emailed and posted to you around 1-2 weeks later detailing your dog's tailored behaviour modification plan, along with other handouts or training protocols.
A 1-hour follow-up appointment and 3-month remote support are then available after the consultation.
What is a follow-up appointment?
A follow-up appointment lasts for 1 hour, and is usually held around 4-8 weeks after the consultation. Depending on your goals and your dog's needs, we will discuss how the behaviour modification plan is going, discuss any questions you may have, discuss progression, and we may practise relevant behaviour modification training.
I'm unsure if I need a behaviour consultation for my dog. How do I know?
If you're unsure, feel free to give me a non-obligatory call, text or email. My contact details can be found here.
Will you be able to cure my dog's behaviour or training problems?
I will not be able to 'cure' your dog's behaviour or trainingconcerns during the time we have together. My role is to advise you how to best manage your dog's behaviour concerns to meet your goals whilst also ensuring their welfare needs are prioritised. I will support you as much as I can, but all the hard work will be down to you to put the changes in place and complete any training as I advise.
How long do you offer support after the behaviour consultation?
I offer remote support in the form of WhatsApp / text / email / short phone calls up to 3 months after the consultation. Additional 1-hour follow-up appointments can be booked for clients who require more support.
Can you help me with my dog's training issues (such as pulling on the lead)?
As part of the behaviour consultation package, I can offer support with training issues (such as pulling on the lead / recall / jumping up). However, please bear in mind that we have limited time during the consultation and follow-up appointment to discuss your dog's behaviour concerns (which is the priority).
I also offer 1-2-1 dog training instruction. Find out more here
How much do you charge?
The behaviour consultation package is £290, which includes a behaviour consultation, follow-up appointment, written report and 3 months remote support. Any additional follow-up appointments can be booked for £50.
1-2-1 dog training sessions cost £40 each. Mini behaviour consultations cost £60, and first aid calls cost £50.
What days and times do you offer behaviour consultations / follow-up appointments?
Due to working another job on the side, I currently only provide my services at weekends or bank holidays, between the hours of 1-6pm.
What training methods do you use?
I advocate the use of reward based training methods, backed up by the latest scientific evidence. I do not tolerate the use of adverse punishment (such as hitting, shouting at, using force, or shock/prong/spray collars).
How do I book one of your services?
To book one of my services, please fill in the form here.
Is vet referral necessary?
YES! Many behaviour problems in animals are caused or contributed by pain or medical factors. Therefore, it is very important that these factors are ruled out or managed by your vet before I make a behaviour diagnosis and provide a behaviour modification plan. In other words, without ruling out pain or medical factors, as a non-vet, I might provide the wrong diagnosis for your dog's behaviour concerns or suggest management strategies that do not address the underlying cause or contributing facotors for the behaviour concern. This may result in the behaviour concerns never improving or potentially becoming worse.
Do you offer behaviour consultations for pets other than dogs (such as cats)?
I don't currently offer behaviour consultations for species other than dogs. However, this is something I may be able to provide in the near future. I can provide some behaviour and welfare advice for other species you have in your home. However, if you wish to book behaviour consultations for species other than dogs, please refer to the Animal Behaviour & Training Council or the CCAB register.
Why should I choose you?
I am an accredited Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB), and an Animal Training Instructor (ATI) with the Animal Behaviour & Training Council (ABTC). This means I have been thoroughly assessed and examined to ensure I meet the high standards to achieve these certifications. The pet behaviour and training industry is currently unregulated, meaning anyone can call themselves an animal behaviourist or trainer. You can rest assured that I have the experience, qualifications, knowledge and skills to provide you with professional advice based on reward and evidence based methods.
Is there a chance you might advise me to rehome or put my dog to sleep?
As part of my behaviour services, I make a behaviour and welfare assessment of your dog, and assess their current living enviornment and circumstances. I provide advice to support owners with managing their dog's behaviour concerns, in order to make managing the issues easier for all involved, and to ensure the dog's needs are met. However, in exceptional circumstances, my advice may need to involve the options of rehoming or euthanasia, if this is the best option for all involved.