Dog Behaviour Services
Behaviour problems in dogs can present a real challenge and can be troubling for their owners. It's important that you receive accurate and professional advice from a qualified Clinical Animal Behaviourist such as myself. Find out more about each of my services below.

Follow-up Sessions
If you have booked a behaviour consultation with me, then additional follow-up sessions can be arranged (in person or remotely) if you feel you need additional support with your dog's behaviour or training. These sessions can be held in person or over video call.
A video call may be useful if you need urgent advice relating to your dog's behaviour and can't wait for a behaviour consultation. For example, this may be relevant if your dog's behaviour issue presents serious safety risks to people or other animals. This sessions can also be used to discuss minor behaviour concerns. This session is held over video call for up to an hour and involves a discussion of how to manage the behaviour and safety concerns.
What is a behaviour problem?
E.g. barking whenever a dog hears or sees specific 'triggers' such as other dogs, animals, noises, people or vehicles.

Repetitive behaviour
E.g. repeatedly barking, tail chasing, shadow chasing, licking, chewing.

Problems between household dogs
E.g. aggressive behaviour or fighting between household dogs.

Fear or anxiety related behaviour
E.g. fear of certain noises, places or of being handled.

Separation related behaviour
E.g. barking, howling, whining, destructive behaviour, pacing or toileting when left alone or without a specific person.

E.g. growling, lunging, barking in certain situations or with certain animals, people, dogs, places or items.

What my services will and won't offer you:
A comprehensive and tailored behaviour modification plan for you to follow, that is specific to your situation and your dog's behaviour concerns.
Training plans, guidance, ongoing support, and training instruction to support you with achieving these aims.
Advice based on up-to-date research and understanding, including the use of reward-based training methods
A quick fix or a promise to 'cure' your dog's behaviour concerns (unfortunately, I don't have a magic wand!)
Advice relating to using harsh punishment methods on your dog, such as shock collars, hitting, showing your dog who's boss, dominating your dog or telling your dog off.

Training your dog for you.
Get to know me!
Arrange a free discovery phone call with me to discuss the behaviour or training concerns you're experiencing with your dog. Use the opportunity to ask me questions about me and my services. Together, we can decide which support package will suit you and your dog best.
Send me an email, text or give me a call to arrange.
07554 233 926